Determinants for Acceptance and Use of Sharīʿah Banking Digital Services in Indonesia: Applying UTAUT 3, Trust, and Sharīʿah Compliance

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Ade Sofyan Mulazid Mulazid


Digital banking is one of the services of sharīʿah banking, so the quality of these services needs to be considered. This study investigates the determinants of intention and use of sharīʿah banking digital services by Indonesian Muslims, using the modified unified theory of technology acceptance and use (UTAUT) 3 model with sharīʿah compliance and trust variables. The model was empirically tested in the Jakarta Metropolitan area using 129 responses from a field survey. The collected data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that habit, personal innovativeness, and trust significantly influence the intention to use sharīʿah banking digital services. Performance expectations, personal innovativeness, and sharīʿah compliance significantly affect the actual use of sharīʿah banking digital services. The results of this study also prove the role of sharīʿah compliance in moderating the effect of business expectations on the intention to use sharīʿah banking digital services. The practical implications of the results of this study can be used to encourage the development of sharīʿah banking digital services and decision-making in formulating strategies to increase the acceptance and use of sharīʿah banking digital services. This research also contributes to the development of literature as an initial effort to investigate the factors that influence the acceptance and use of sharīʿah banking digital services using the modified UTAUT 3 model with sharīʿah compliance and trust variables.

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How to Cite
Mulazid, A. S. M. (2024). Determinants for Acceptance and Use of Sharīʿah Banking Digital Services in Indonesia: Applying UTAUT 3, Trust, and Sharīʿah Compliance. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 37(1), 55–77.
English Language