(In Arabic) Analysis of Changes in Coastal Environment Elements and Environmental Impacts in Dammam, Saudi Arabia Using Remote Sensing and GIS

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Amani Hassan
Laila Ali Salman Al Nasser


This research aims to study changes in coastal environment elements in Dammam using remote sensing data to raise awareness of the environmental dangers in the region, and to optimize the investment of environmental elements for sustainable development. The researcher relied on the spatial analysis approach of space visuals 6,7,8 Landsat 5, Spot from 1990 to 2020, tracking the change of the coastline using Erdas Imagine and ArcGIS 10.3 and applying several indicators to monitor environmental changes through remote sensing programs including NDVI vegetation, MNDWI, NDMI, DSAS and humidity index, as well as some chemical analyses of 20 samples of water to see how much they have changed. The study found a change in the shape of the coast of Dammam city and associated phenomena during the period studied, where the length of the coastline has changed from136.24 km to 176.14 km, with change index of 1.03 km/year, change in the length of sea heads 0,51- km, and costal sabakhat area -0,55 km2. The chemical properties of water have also changed, but have not reached the level of pollution, in addition to the change in vegetation in negative proportions of mangroves amounted to -25.52 km2, while the area of dense vegetation increased to 1.10 km2 in 2020. The study recommends the establishment of an environmental monitoring station in the study area, which will raise environmental awareness to protect the marine environment from human activities.

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How to Cite
Hassan, A., & Al Nasser, L. A. S. . (2023). (In Arabic) Analysis of Changes in Coastal Environment Elements and Environmental Impacts in Dammam, Saudi Arabia Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Marine Sciences, 33(1), 39–73. Retrieved from https://journals.kau.edu.sa/index.php/MARSCI/article/view/191