Publication Ethics

Ethics in publishing

Each article is subjected to peer-review process with strict ethical policies and standards to confirm addition of high quality scientific works to the area of interest. To confirm the originality of the submitted articles, iThenticate is used to check submissions for similarity with previous publications.

Ethical approval for human or animal studies

Ethical approval from official Ethics Committee is a requirement for studies involving patients, volunteers, or animals. The ethical approval should be clearly mentioned in the Methods section of the paper with the approval number. The Editors have the right to reject articles that lack ethical approval or patient consent.

For studies involving humans, authors should state in the manuscript that the subjects have signed an informed consent for experimentation. The privacy rights of human subjects must get full consideration.

For both animal and human studies, the experimentation should comply with the standard guidelines; such compliance should be stated clearly in the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest Statement (mandatory)

All articles submitted to the journal must comprise disclosure of any relationships that could be considered as potential conflicts of interest. The disclosure of such information is essential for editorial decisions. This declaration should be uploaded as a separate file and included within the manuscript submitted. If the authors have no potential conflicts, they should state (None) under the heading of (Conflicts of interests).

Author contributions

The authors should document their individual contributions to the article using the relevant CRediT roles: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Software; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Roles/Writing - original draft; Writing - review & editing. The author contributions should be declared at the end of the manuscript and before the references section.

Changes to authorship

Changes in authorship is not allowed once the paper is accepted. Before acceptance, change in the authorship request should be signed from all the contributing authors.

Copyright/Open access

Articles published in Saudi Journal for Pharmaceutical Industries will be Open-Access articles following the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The journal will state this at the end of the manuscript.

Funding and acknowledgement

The source(s) of funding should be clearly mentioned in the acknowledgements section. In addition, all the personnel who do not meet the criteria for authorship and provided general support such as technical assistants should be mentioned in acknowledgement section. Financial and material support should be also be disclosed.    


Plagiarism Check

The Journal takes issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism, or other breaches of best practices in publication very seriously. We seek to protect the rights of the authors and we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted articles are checked using related software. Any article found to have plagiarized other work will be rejected.