Author Guidelines
Manuscript Submission Conditions for Your Papers
To streamline the review process, we kindly request that you submit two separate files in Word format (.docx).
File 1: Complete Information and Affiliation
Prepare a Word file that includes the complete information of all authors, including their names, affiliations, and email addresses. This file should provide a comprehensive overview of all authors involved in the research.
File 2: Anonymized Version for Reviewers
We also require a second Word file that excludes any author-related information. This anonymized version will be sent to the reviewers to ensure a double-blind review process. Please remove any content that reveals the authors' identities, such as names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or any other directly identifying information.
Manuscript Template:
Please use the provided Manuscript Word Template (Download HERE).
Manuscript Preparation
Title of the Paper:
The title should be concise and complete to facilitate easy indexing by abstracting services.
Author(s) Affiliation:
Provide complete information about all authors, including their department, college, university/company, city, zip code (optional), and country.
The abstract should be a brief summary of the paper, comprising approximately 200–250 words. It should include the purpose of the research, methodology, and/or hypothesis, and conclude with a summary of the results and conclusions.
All manuscripts must include 4–6 keywords (or key phrases) relevant to the topic.
The introduction should provide background information, outline the main research issues, state the research purpose, and describe the authors' contributions.
Methodology or Experimental Design:
The methodology section should include complete details and describe the research design in a logical order. Provide sufficient information for reproducibility.
The results section is the most critical part of the manuscript. Present the findings in a well-organized manner, using graphics, tables, or other visual aids as necessary. Focus on significant trends and characteristics of the data, using suitable graph types to enhance clarity.
Conclusion (Discussion):
Interpret or analyze the data presented in the results section. Discuss what the results indicate and address any questions or implications arising from the research.
Acknowledgments should appear before the references and list the funding source(s). Authors may also mention individuals who contributed to the research.
Define abbreviations at their first mention and use them consistently thereafter.
Ethical Issues:
A manuscript under review must not be simultaneously submitted to other journals. Republishing a manuscript or parts of previous work (text, figures, or tables) is prohibited. Authors must provide a signed copyright form affirming the originality of the submitted research.
Funding sources, including institutional support, do not influence editorial decisions or the peer-review process. The journal operates under strict ethical guidelines to ensure the highest standards of academic integrity.
Text Formatting
Manuscripts must be submitted using the IEEE template.
Page Limit:
There is no page limit for the manuscript.
The abstract should be written in a single-column format. The remainder of the manuscript should follow a two-column layout and use a 10-point Times New Roman font.
Leave one-inch margins on all sides.
References (Works Cited):
References cited in the manuscript should be listed at the end, in numerical order, with reference numbers enclosed in square brackets [e.g., [1], [2], [3]].
Captions for Figures and Tables:
Each figure and table must include a concise caption describing its content. Figure captions should appear below the graphics, while table captions should appear above. If a figure is reproduced from another source, include the original source in the caption.
Use an equation editor or MathType for creating equations. Number equations sequentially in the main text.