A Survey on the Integration of 6G, IoE, and Quantum Computing Technologies

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Ahmed Alshaflut


This survey paper comprehensively examines the emerging integration of three pivotal technologies: 6G (Sixth-generation wireless systems), IoE (Internet of Everything), and Quantum computing. The combination of these cutting-edge technologies will be seen leading in the computer-based communications era. The paper starts by providing the underlying reasons for such an integration, which are driven by high demands for higher data speeds, connectivity, and massive computation powers. The main part of this paper deals with examining the personal traits of every kind and contemporary trends in this field. 6G is expected to be way ahead of 5G when it comes to throughput, with applications such as holographic communications and virtual reality to span internationally. IoE is an extension of the concept known as the Internet of Things (IoT), forming a broader inter-network where people, processes, data, and smart things are connected to turn raw data into useful, relevant information that can be acted upon. The emerging data technology of Quantum Computing offers an entirely different paradigm in terms of speedy and complicated computation and solving problems. This further leads to an exploration of the possible advantages and usefulness of combining these technologies. It is expected that this integration will give a big push towards the improvement of communication, information analysis, and computation power across sectors such as health, smart city and cyberspace. The paper also discusses some problems arising from such integration, like complexities on the technical end, security issues and major infrastructure needs. This paper provides basic knowledge for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in technological integration by providing ideas on how 6G, IoE, and Quantum Computing can play major roles in defining future technology frameworks.

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How to Cite
Alshaflut, A. (2024). A Survey on the Integration of 6G, IoE, and Quantum Computing Technologies. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Computing and Information Technology Sciences, 13(1), 103 –113. https://doi.org/10.4197/Comp.13-1.6