Guidelines for Contributors 

Submission Procedure:

  1. Contributions must be submitted in a form suitable for blind refereeing through the online submission system at: In case of facing any difficulty with the online submission, manuscripts can be sent, in MS Word format, via email of the Journal:
  2. Manuscripts should not be less than 5000 words and must not exceed 10,000 words including footnotes, graphs, tables, references, and appendices. Book reviews should not be less than 3000 words and must not exceed 5000 words.
  3. In case of more than one author, the name and e-mail of the corresponding author should be clearly indicated.
  4. There is no submission fee. However, once submitted, the author(s) cannot publish the work in any other place for 6 months from the date of submission.
  5. If the submitted work is not accepted; the researcher(s) shall be informed of the editorial board's decision without giving reasons.
  6. All materials are scrutinized by specialized referees based on double-blind review principle.
  7. Materials submitted should represent original works; not previously published nor being considered for publication elsewhere. If accepted by JKAU: IE, the contribution cannot be published in the same form in any language without written consent of the Editor in Chief.
  8. The contributor(s) are solely responsible for any international copyright violations and/or plagiarism. The journal has zero-tolerance policy with respect to these.
  9. Affiliation, e-mail, and postal addresses of all contributor(s)/author(s) should be mentioned.

Manuscript Format:

Page Layout, Line/Paragraph Spacing, Fonts, Headings and Language:

  1. Page layout should be Standard A4, portrait (except for tables etc., if needed) with standard MS Word document margins.
  2. Line spacing for the whole manuscript should be single. Paragraphs should be continuous (i.e., no hard returns) with spacing between paragraphs set to 0 points before and 6 points after.
  3. Times New Roman font (12 points) should be used throughout the manuscript. The editorial staff will use appropriate font size to distinguish headings and sub-headings. Do not use more than three hierarchies of headings. Please use normal roman font without any accents, tildes etc.
  4. Running “Headers” or “Footers” should not be used. The editorial staff will add these according to the style of the journal.
  5. English (United States) should be used throughout the manuscript.





Use of Boldface, Italics and Underlining:

  1. Boldface may be used in heading and sub-headings but should be avoided to add emphasis within a sentence. Italic font should be used for this purpose.
  2. Underlining should not be used.
  3. Most Arabic terms/words in English papers are to be italicized, with notable exceptions of words that have become part of English lingo, such as Islam, Muslim, Qur’ān, etc. Contributors should italicize ALL non-English words including Arabic words. Editorial staff will do the rest. In addition, Arabic terms/words should follow the general sentence case rules.
  4. The writers need not explain the meaning of the Arabic terms. The editorial staff will do that for all terms occurring in a particular issue in “Glossary” in the Intro- pages. If needed, the writer may state after the terms, (for meaning, please see Glossary in the Intro- pages).

Tables, Figures, Charts etc.

  1. Tables, Figures, Charts, Pictures etc., should be numbered consecutively.
  2. Source must be given immediately below these.
  3. Pictures must be high resolution.
  4. All of these should be sent in a separate file. Page layout for that file should be the same as the main manuscript and all material must fit within the page margins (portrait or landscape).
  5. In the main manuscript, only appropriate place for these should be indicated, e.g., “Table 1 to be inserted near here”.

Equations and Symbols:

  1. Equations must be set using MS Word Mathematical fonts. Equations in picture format are not acceptable.
  2. Equations should be set separately from the text (i.e., in separate line) and should be broken into two or more lines if they do not fit into a single line of the page layout.
  3. All symbols must be defined and chosen from Times New Roman, as long as they are available there.

Abbreviations and Acronyms:

  1. All abbreviations and acronyms must be expressed fully on their first occurrence.
  2. Technical abbreviations, e.g., MMT (Modigliani Miller Theorem) should in addition be briefly explained either in the text, if relevant, or in a footnote/endnote because the abbreviation may also have other meanings. For example, MMT is also used as an abbreviation for “Modern Monetary Theory”.

Structure of the Paper:

  • Title Page: The title page should be structured as follows:

The title of the paper, author name(s); [please do not use Prof., Dr., Ph.D. etc.]; their institutional affiliation, and e-mail address(s). In the title, capitalize only the first letter of each word.

  • Do not use abbreviations in the title.
  • The title including sub-title, if any, should preferably be 12 words or less.


  • Page after the Title Page: The page after the title page should contain:

Title of the paper (without name of the author or any other information). For concealing the identity of the author(s) the manuscript to be sent to reviewers will begin from this page.

  • An abstract not exceeding 200 words. Separately, translation of the abstract into Arabic should be sent if possible.
  • Key words: Please use sufficient key words to get citations.
  • KAUJIE Classification Number (The Scheme is available on the journal’s web page). Up to five numbers can be used. JEL Classification numbers must also be given.

Rest of the Manuscript:

  • The paper should preferably start with a section entitled “Introduction” and end with a section entitled “Summary and Conclusions”.
  • Any appropriate number of sections may be used in between.
  • The last section should be followed on a separate page, by “References”.
  • English and Arabic references should be listed separately.

Style of References:

  • The author is responsible for ensuring that the references are correct and that all references are quoted in the text and listed in the References section at the end of the article.
  • The journal uses APA (American Psychological Association) style for references/bibliography. Contributors may consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th The references should be ordered alphabetically, noting that in Arabic names, prefixes such as al- , el-, should be ignored.
  • For in-text citations, page number(s) must be included when referring to specific idea (s) and/or information set or direct quotation. If no page number available, use paragraph numbers as explained in the APA style of referencing. However, if the reference is to a work in general, it should take the form: (Author, Year).
  • A useful guide to the APA style 7th edition can be found at the following links:

  • When citing Qur’ānic verses, or aḥādīth collection, use the following format:

Qur’ānic verses:

References to Qur’ānic verses will be given in-text or at the end of the verse quoted as: (Qur’ān, 2:105) where 2 refers to the 2nd sūrah of the Qur’ān (sūrah al-Baqarah), and 105 is the number of the verse (ãyah).

Aḥādīth collection:

Full bibliographical details of the ḥadīth book should be provided in the reference list as per the APA rule for books and multi-volume works. In text reference should be given as follows:

In text reference: (al-Bukhārī, 1999, 2:155, ḥadīth no. 605) where 2 is the volume number and 155 is the page number.