Halal Tourism Trend: A Systematic Literature Review
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This research aims to systematically review and map the research topics and themes related to Ḥalāl tourism. A total of 333 articles were reviewed from the Scopus database using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method and the VOSviewer application. The results showed that there were 159 Ḥalāl tourism researchers, with 59 research clusters and the highest number of documents held by a researcher being 12. Indonesia emerged as the leading country in Ḥalāl tourism research, with 132 research documents. This is due to the country's focus on developing its Ḥalāl tourism potential, which is supported by its 742 languages and 17,100 islands, making it the country with the largest archipelago. Indonesia also has the highest Muslim population worldwide, with 88% of its total population being Muslims and 12% of Muslims worldwide being in Indonesia. The study categorized the findings into three groups, namely cluster based on topic cluster based on discussion time, and cluster based on dominant and non-dominant topics. For Topic Clusters, research related to Ḥalāl tourism consists of 6 main clusters, namely Market, Islamic Tourism, Value, Ḥalāl Tourism Destination, Intention, and Dimension. In terms of Topic Discussion Time, the newest topics consist of COVID-19, Ḥalāl Tourism Policy, Intention, Value, Ḥalāl Tourism Destination, Trust, and Loyalty. Meanwhile, the most discussed topics consist of Market, Islamic Tourism, Opportunity, Potential, and Islam. The final finding is the dominant and non-dominant discussion topics (Density Visualization). The dominant categories of discussion topics consist of Value and Market, Quality, Intention, and Standard. Meanwhile, the non-dominant categories are topics about COVID-19, Ḥalāl service, Ḥalāl tourism products, and prices. The results of this research serve as a reference for the development of ḥalāl tourism. The data in this research is still limited to secondary data sourced from the Scopus database. Future research needs to conduct a Comparative Study between Regions.