Author Guidelines

Thank you for considering submitting your paper to the Journal of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences. By following these guidelines, your manuscript will follow a seamless peer review, production, and publication process. To ensure that your manuscript complies with the journal's requirements, please read these guidelines carefully and make sure to adhere to each item.


Authors should follow the instructions of preparing their manuscripts for submission. The following sections should be included in the manuscript in with the respected order:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Key words
  • Main text (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, acknowledgments, Statement of declaration of interest)
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figures
  • Appendices (if applicable)

Title Page:

The title page should include the title of the research. The title should be relevant and interesting.

The title page includes the names of authors, their affiliations and the  . One corresponding author should be indicated along with his/her affiliation, address, e-mail address, and telephone number.


A structured abstract of no more than 250 words should be included. The abstract sections are the following: Aim of the article, Methods, Results and Conclusions.


Key Words:

Indicate 5 key words. Choose your key words carefully to help others find your article quickly and accurately. Key words selected preferably from the National Library of Medicine-Medical Subject Headings (


Main text:


The introduction to the research should provide clear and concise information on the topic of interest. It should provide justification for the relevance of the article, a brief account of previous work, the gap in exiting knowledge, and the rational and aim of the article.


This section should include the following information in a logical order, the design of the study, subjects' inclusion criteria and recruitments, ethical considerations, materials and instruments including description of which outcome measures were used and which data were collected, and statistical analysis.


The results should be reliable and related to the research questions/objective. Results should be presented in the most logical order and appropriate format, with sufficient data of actual numbers and percentages to assist their interpretation. Previous studies and theories should support discussions of the research results. The result section should refer to tables and figures as needed, using the format of Table 1, Table 2, etc. or Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Note that each table and figure should be included in a separate sheet within the document.


The discussion section should also relate to the article's main objective and should start with a statement on the main findings. The discussion should provide interpretations of the results following the same logical order presented in the result section. Findings of the article should relate to previous findings highlighting any disagreements and outlining the possible cause for such outcomes. Strength and limitation of the articles should be provided. Authors should explain the meaning of the outcomes and what they add to the literature regarding understanding possible disability and illness mechanism/burden; or their applicability in clinical, academic, or health care political practices. Finally, authors should highlight some future directions relating to future research.


The authors must provide a concluding remark about their article. It should be directed to their actual study.



Please acknowledge the contributions of all required parties (people, grants, funds). Make sure to indicate the funding resources and the full names of funding organizations, as applicable.


Statement of Declaration of Interest

State any interest that could have influenced the outcome of this article. In the case of no relevant interests to be declared, please state the following: “The authors report there are no competing interests to declare.”



Journal of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences adheres to the Vancouver  reference style. Authors should use any reference formatting software such as EndNote, Reference Manager etc.


The list of references should be numbered consecutively and only include articles/works that are cited in the text and that have been published.



Tables should be included on a separate sheet within the document. Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals and be cited in text in their consecutive order. Each table should be provided with a clear title representing its content. For example:

Table 1: Sociodemographic information of participants

Footnotes to tables should be indicated beneath them. Make sure that all tables are referred to within the text, and make sure to reference information of tables if they present previously published information.   



Figures should be high quality and included on a separate sheet within the document. Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals and be cited in text in their consecutive order. Each figure should be provided with a clear title representing its content. For example:

Figure1: Forest plot of the effect size of interventions

Footnotes to figures should be indicated beneath them. Make sure that all figures are referred to within the text, and make sure to reference information of figures if they present previously published information.  



Appendices include additional information that will not appear in the main body of the article but rather will be available online. These include additional tables, figures, intervention protocol etc.


Manuscript Format

When submitting or revising a manuscript, please be sure to use the standard Word processing format. Your article will not be reviewed if a full set of editable source files is not provided. 

Please follow these formatting guidelines:

  • The number of words should not exceed (6,000) words excluding the list of references.
  • Use Times New Romans font.
  • Apply double spacing.
  • The main headings are in 12-font size with a bold font, and the text in a 10-font size.
  • Abbreviations should be defined when first mentioned and used consistently afterwards.
  • Scientific measurements should be given in SI units.
  • Add a page number at the bottom center of the page.

Please note that the editorial board has the right to abbreviate or reformulate some sentences and phrases for linguistic and editorial management.


English proficiency

In order to have your manuscript reviewed, your work must be submitted in grammatically correct English language. Please use either American English or British English spelling consistently throughout your manuscript. For authors who are non-English native speakers and are not fluent in English, they are encouraged to attain support from independent English language editing services.

For all approved articles, the Journal of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences offers complimentary minor English editing by proficient English speakers. However, manuscripts that needs thorough language editing will be return to the author for independent English language editing.

Before submitting your manuscript for publication, you might choose to use a paid language-editing service. Please provide a copy of your confirmation certificate to the Editorial Office if you decide to use any of these services. For free editing services, you may consider registering with AuthorAid.


Types of manuscript 

The main article types accepted by the Journal of Medical Rehabilitation Sciences are articles and reviews.

  • Article: These are original research manuscripts that present scientifically sound experiments and provide a substantial amount of latest information that adds of the field of medical rehabilitation sciences.
  • Review: These offer a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature within a medical rehabilitation sciences field which identify current gaps or problems and may shed light on potential remediation.

Although it is not compulsory due to the interdisciplinary scope of this journal, authors are encouraged to follow the standardized reporting guidelines below when preparing their manuscripts:

  • Systematic reviews, meta-analyses - PRISMA
  • Randomized controlled trial - CONSORT
    • Following the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines, it is strongly recommended to register all clinical trials in a public trial registry
  • Case reports - CARE
  • Observational studies - STROBE


I think we should either ask for ORCID from all authors [HR1]


Ok I added to all authors  [AA2]


Shall we change it to APA? [AA3]


This section is taken from the Disability and Rehabilitation Journal, see if we are going to follow the same guildlines and provide the correct link. [AA4]