Journal Policy


Journal Policy

This journal follows the rules and policies of the King Abdulaziz University Publishing Center, which include:

The journal is issued periodically twice a year.

A special issue can be customized to highlight a single theme such as national events, symposium and conferences.

Submissions are subject to arbitration; The authors will be notified of decisions about their submission.

Manuscripts that have already been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will not be accepted.

The arrangement of materials upon publication is subject to technical considerations that have nothing to do with the status of the researcher or the value of the manuscripts. 

Archiving Policy

The Journal is committed to preserving digital content for the long term. All published articles are archived on the King Abdulaziz University database, guaranteeing their accessibility even in the event of the journal's discontinuation. Our commitment to long-term preservation ensures that valuable scholarly contributions remain available to researchers and readers worldwide.

Repository Policy

Authors are advised to refrain from posting manuscripts during pre-publishing in institutional repositories, or websites, before and during the submission process.

They may, however, post the PDF version of the publisher's final format without embargo after publication.

Open access policy

The journal is open access and does not charge authors to publish. It grants free access to all papers that have been accepted and published. It makes research information available to readers at no cost.