Author Guidlines

Manuscripts of applied research in all fields of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and nursing are encouraged. The journal publishes experimental and observational studies, short communications, reviews, theoretical and computational analyses, editorials as well as clinical studies relevant to the common health problems in our region and all over the world. Letters to the editor and relevant case reports will be also considered.

Manuscripts types:

Original articles

Any medical and health topics of broad interest. The word count of such articles is no more than 3500 words (maximum of 8 printed pages). Abstract, acknowledgement, references or tables/figures are excluded from this word count. Number of references should not exceed 45.


A comprehensive and fully referenced article on topics of importance to most international readers. Maximum word count of the main manuscript is 4000 words in addition to a brief abstract and 1-2 figures/tables. Number of references should not exceed 50.

Correspondence and Letters to the Editor

Maximum length 400 words related to papers recently published in the Journal or reporting concise reports of remarkable or preliminary findings with no original data. One table or figure is allowed and no more than 10 references.

Case Reports

Thoroughly documented reports describing unusual presentations or have important diagnostic and/or therapeutic implications shall be considered. The word count is no more than 1500 words. One table or figure is allowed and a maximum of 15 references.


Representing the viewpoints of the journal's editorial team and written by them or by invited authors.

Publication Terms and Conditions

Submitted manuscripts should be an original contribution never published before and is not currently considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance, all copy rights are transferred to the publisher and should not republished or reprinted in any language except with a written consent of the publisher. The JKAU-Med Sci “Prior Publication Certificate” should be filled, signed, and sent upon acceptance of the paper.

Papers must be clearly written in English. Authors are totally responsible that manuscripts are written in a sound, clear and understandable language. Authors that English language is not their native language are advised to seek additional help with the quality of their written English from a certified English Editing and Proofreading center.

The JKAU-Med Sci “Author Contribution Form” should be filled, signed, and sent upon acceptance of the paper.

Acknowledgements may be used to denote contributions to the work that do not guarantee full authorship

Authors are compelled to ensure that the submitted manuscript adhere to all the following guidelines, otherwise submissions may be returned to authors as incomplete.

This submission is neither published before nor considered for publication in another journal.

All authors have agreed to submit this work for the publication in JKAU-Med Sci.

All authors have signed/submitted an Author/s' release form / Prior Publication Certificate / Copyright form / Conflict of Interest disclosure statement upon acceptance.

One of the authors should be nominated as “Corresponding Author” who represents other co-authors and guarantees that editor(s) concerns about accuracy and/or integrity of the study are properly and timely tackled.

The journal may subject the submitted manuscript to software to screen for plagiarism. COPE guidelines will be applied in case plagiarism is detected.

The manuscript should be written in English and submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx).

The text writing should stick to the Style of Biomedical Journals listed in (Br Med J: 1788-1770; and reprinted in JKAU-Med Sci 1991; 1: 91-103).

The main manuscript is devoid of any information may lead to identifying author(s) names or affiliations.

Title Page (English): The submission should include a title page having this authors information [full name (first, middle initial & last name), two highest academic credentials, department, institution, city, country].

Abstract: Provide a STRUCTURED abstract with 250 words per the journal's requirements using the following headings: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. No abbreviations permitted in the abstract - Use full terminology of word.

Figures should be submitted in separate files. The file name should indicate the figure number.

Tables are laid separately at the manuscript end page(s).


Manuscript Template


Manuscripts to be submitted following the next criteria and sections arrangement:

Cover letter

Signed by all contributors and contains sources of funding and disclosure of conflicts of interest. Prior Publication Certification, Assignment of any and all copyright, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure statement

Title Page

It should contain these data: 


It should be concise and informative (no more than 2 printed lines).

Author information

- Author’s name(s)

- Author’s affiliation(s): department, institution, city, country. Affiliations are written in the same order as the names were arranged.

- For each author, two main academic credentials should be stated.

- Corresponding author e-mail address.

- Abstract

Structured abstract fulfilling the criteria mentioned above.

- Keywords

3 to 10 keywords are required to ease the article indexing.

- Main text

It consists of the following sections with each section starting on a new page:

- Introduction

- Materials and Methods

- Results

- Discussion

- Conclusion

- Conflict of Interest

- Disclosure and Ethical Approval

- Materials and Methods

- Vendor(s) (Name, City, Country) for the products/devices utilized in the study.

- Statistical program used (if any) (version, Company name, City, Country)

- References should be listed serially in Arabic numerals following the same order wherein they appear in text.

- References in the text should be placed in brackets with a superscript eg., patients [1,3].

- Authors should verify that the listed references are written following the American Medical Association (AMA) referencing style.

- Tables, Figures, and Images

- Callouts for table, figures, and images to be included in the text.

- Each table, figure, and image should have a concise informative heading placed above the table and below the figure/image.

- Each photomicrograph should have a scale along with a scale bar for each figure.

- Bar graphs are submitted “colored”.

- Illustrations should be labeled clearly.

- Illustrations should be arranged symmetrically, in portrait or landscape orientation. Before-and-after photographs should be the same regarding size, position, and lighting.

- All illustrations must be accompanied by figure legends placed in a separate page at the end of the manuscript

- The color mode for digital art must be changed from RGB to CMYK, and the dpi or pixels/inch must be at least 300.

- Immunohistochemistry as well as pathology slides must be colored accompanied by its magnification ratio.

- Five (5) reprints per paper will be supplied.

A signed Author/s' release form,   Prior Publication Certification, Assignment of any and all copyright, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure statement and metadata form with ORCid number must be sent with the submitted manuscript.