Peer Review Process


- Editor(s) will conform and control the journal’s double-blind peer review procedure.

- JKAU-Med Sci Editor(s) ensure that all accepted manuscripts are peer reviewed by competent reviewers with a relevant expertise as concluded by their list of publications. Editor(s) should warrant nonexistence of any kind of conflict of interest for all peer reviewers.

- Each manuscript should be reviewed by either two independent reviewers with no or just one reviewer nominated by the author.

- Editor(s) will abide by the double-blind peer-reviewing rules, however, in certain unusual or emergent situations, Editor(s) may decide to accept publication on just one peer review statement if such report meets the peer-reviewing standards of the journal.

- Peer review responses must be in English and offer helpful critical evaluations of all aspects of the submitted manuscript. Editorial decisions will not be made upon brief, shallow peer reviewer reports.

- Manuscripts such as book reviews, opinion, or letters to the editor may be judged by the Editor(s) if the subject matter lie within their scientific capability. Otherwise, such topic should be evaluated by a single independent reviewer or assigned to a member of the Editorial or Advisory Boards.

After Acceptance

Once accepted, the article will be processed. After typesetting is complete, you will be asked to confirm Authors names, arrangement & affiliations and you will have also to transfer a copyrights KAU “Publisher”. Once accomplished, you will receive the article proof to make sure of the accuracy of typesetting. Significant changes in authorship and/or content are not permitted without the Editor’s approval. After publication of the article, additional changes may be allowed only as an erratum.