The Role of Planning Regulations in Correcting Housing Market Imbalances in Dammam Metropolitan Area

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Antar A. Aboukorin


This research aims to identify imbalances in the housing market in Dammam Metropolitan Area (DMA), as well as to identify the necessary measures to address the deficiencies. To achieve these objectives, the research provides an analysis of the size and quality
of both supply and demand in the housing market in the DMA until 2040. Then, the research examines the compatibility of the supply and demand with the socio-economic characteristics of the population. It also examines the adherence of the housing supply to the principles of residential sustainability and the Saudi Vision 2030. The research found that housing problem in DMA is not becaause of shortage of housing supply. In fact, there is a surplus of demand in the DMA until 2040. The problem is the quality of the supply, in terms of housing characteristics, which are incompatible with the social and economic characteristics of the population and the principles of sustainability in the housing sector. The paper is concluded by a proposal to modify existing planning criteria and requirements. The modifications are intended to bring the quality of the housing supply into line with the socio-economic characteristics of the population and to increase the compatibility with the principles of sustainability.

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How to Cite
Aboukorin ع. ع. ا. (2021). The Role of Planning Regulations in Correcting Housing Market Imbalances in Dammam Metropolitan Area. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Environmental Design Sciences, 12, 3–31. Retrieved from