An evaluation of Radiology Technologist Experience with Patient Dose in the Radiology Department

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Tariq Almojadah
Majdi Alnowaimi
Essam Banoqitah


An evaluation study of x-ray image doses at the Public Hospital Radiological Department sought to determine the causes of the repeat/rejected images and how it is related to the staff expertise. The reasoning behind this study was the maximization of patient safety from excess/unwarranted radiology doses at the department. This article will help develop a mechanism for quality control for the department to make digital x-ray as safe as possible at the facility. This study revealed that positioning error, machine problems, anatomy cutoff, artifacts, and body movement were the reasons for frequent repeat/reject x-ray procedures at the department. This article revealed that these errors had a strong relationship with staff causes. The leading cause of the errors coming up in the radiologic department is directly related to the radiology technologists' causes/competencies. Technologists with less than eight years of experience were directly/indirectly responsible for 87.5% of repeat radiation procedures. Technologists with over eight years of experience contributed to 12.4% of the repeat/rejected procedures. This study recommends implementing quality control methods more aggressively and improving on-the-job staff training to protect patients from unnecessary radiation.

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How to Cite
Almojadah, T., Alnowaimi, M. ., & Banoqitah, E. (2022). An evaluation of Radiology Technologist Experience with Patient Dose in the Radiology Department. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Engineering Sciences, 32(2), 57–62.

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