Radiation Safety While Providing Bedside Care During Portable Radiography Procedures: Knowledge and Attitude of Respiratory Therapists and ICU Nurses

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Khalid Alshamrani
Rawiah Humaiyan
Aisha Alghamdi
Ghadi Alwthinane
Dalal Tammar
Abdulsalam Alzahrani
Essam Banoqitah
Ahmed Subahi
Shrooq Aldahery
Abdulaziz Qurashi


Abstract Respiratory Therapists (RTs) and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses are at a potential risk of undesirable exposure to ionizing radiation when providing bedside care to patients requiring portable radiography. This study aimed to investigate RTs’ and ICU nurses’ knowledge of radiation safety and their attitude towards portable X-ray examinations. A total of 71 RTs and 29 ICU nurses were recruited in this cross-sectional descriptive study using non-probability convenience sampling during September and November 2020. The study setting was at King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Eight-item questionnaire were used. An expert panel confirmed the content validity of the questionnaire. The outcome of the study shows that; the level of awareness to the ionizing radiations potential risk amongst the RTs and ICU nurses was in a good comparable level. Due to the fact that 79.3% of ICU nurses and 87.3% of RTs did not take previous radiation safety educational course. 55.2% of ICU nurses and 78.9% of RTs never read an article pertaining to radiation safety. The radiation protection knowledge was limited as 51.7 % of the participating ICU nurses and 77.5 % RTs were not aware of the minimum safe distance to maintain during exposure without an intervening barrier. Hence, this study highlights the need for in-service educational programs and radiation protection training for both RTs and ICU nurses.




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How to Cite
Alshamrani, K., Humaiyan, R., Alghamdi, A., Alwthinane, G., Tammar, . D., Alzahrani , A., Banoqitah, E., Subahi, A., Aldahery, S., & Qurashi, A. (2022). Radiation Safety While Providing Bedside Care During Portable Radiography Procedures: Knowledge and Attitude of Respiratory Therapists and ICU Nurses. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Engineering Sciences, 32(1), 25–32. Retrieved from https://journals.kau.edu.sa/index.php/JENGSCI/article/view/32

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