The historical significance of folk Poetry literature in Assir during 13th century AH/ 19th century CE


  • علي آل قطب a:1:{s:5:"ar_IQ";s:10:"سعودي";}


تاريخ عسير، التراث، الشعر الشعبي.


This study examines the folk poetry literature because it involves of important historical significances, indicting serious events that occurred in Assir during the 13th century AH/19th century CE. It also explores interesting models of folk poetry relating to historical events that occurred in this region by considering what is recorded by the local and oral memory of poems and rhymes that were said on different occasions throughout long times.

The study aims to collect as much as possible of poetic folklore to preserve it as an important source of the history of Assir because this would contribute to documenting many historical events, in addition to the fact that this study seeks to interrogate such historical significances in order to employ and quote it. As a result, this study presents itself as an applied case of how to deal with folk poetry in the field of historical research, so that it can be a model to adopt by both the research and methodological sides.





How to Cite

آل قطب ع. (2024). The historical significance of folk Poetry literature in Assir during 13th century AH/ 19th century CE. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Arts and Humanities, 32(2). Retrieved from


