تضاريس بين محمد الثبيتي وجاسم الصِّحيِّح دراسة وموازنة


  • زياد الحارثي a:1:{s:5:"ar_IQ";s:17:"جامعة جدة";}


Muhammad Al-Thubaiti, Jassim Al-Sahih, terrain, balance.


The title of the collection “Terrains” by the poet Muhammad Al-Thubaiti and the title of the collection “Terrains of Delirium” by the poet Jassem Al-Sahih are similar. The two poets based their collections on the opposition between dualities. On the one hand, modernity and authenticity, hope and pain intersect, and on the one hand, love and war confront each other, and the latter comes to express the height of tragedies. Human.

The research consists of a discussion in the first section about a reading of the title of the two collections and the titles of the poems and their relationship to the content. The second section dealt with the words in the collections and the poets’ methods and intertextuality. Then the poetic image came in the third section, whether it included a simile or a metaphor or was descriptive. The fourth section revealed music. The two collections of poems in iambic poetry and their components, and the vertical poem by Jassim Al-Sahih, and finally the fifth section discussed the poetics of terrain, and what the researcher observed from his study of them.

The study reached several results, including: The two poets agree in the quality of images and some meanings, especially asking questions. Poets always wonder, and they differ in ambiguity in Al-Thubaiti’s poetry and the distinction of intertextuality according to Jassim.



How to Cite

الحارثي ز. (2024). تضاريس بين محمد الثبيتي وجاسم الصِّحيِّح دراسة وموازنة. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Arts and Humanities, 32(2). Retrieved from https://journals.kau.edu.sa/index.php/ART/article/view/1871



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