The Development of Legal Systems and its Impact on the Flourishing of Human Rights according to the 2030 Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Ahmed Balto


   The relationship between the process of evolution of legal systems and human rights will not only emphasize the need to define the system from the regulatory authority; But also, emphasize the basic condition that in all modern states the law should be generally accessible; This can be achieved by developing legal systems. It is a connected network of human rights values and the possibility of accessing the law through the process of drafting regulations, which is what this study works to focus on. The process of the development of legal systems, by making the law not only state-specific, but also easily demonstrable, consistent and specific; It is one of the basics of human rights, and this development process is what the study seeks to clarify.

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How to Cite
Balto, A. (2024). The Development of Legal Systems and its Impact on the Flourishing of Human Rights according to the 2030 Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Arts and Humanities, 32(1). Retrieved from