الهدايات في لفظ العدة في القرآن الكريم، دراسة موضوعية


  • سعيد الهديه a:1:{s:5:"ar_IQ";s:23:"جامعة الباحة";}


المستخلص: الكلمات المفتاحية: العدة، القرآن، دراسة، موضوعية. Guidances in the term


Guidances in the term "Iddah"- (The waiting period) in the Holy Qur'an- an objective study


Research title: (Guidance in the term "Iddah"- "the waiting period" in the Holy Qur'an- a subjective study)


This study addresses the verses of the Holy Qur'an where the term "iddah" is mentioned, then addressing them in an objective way through the objective inductive- deductive approach. It defines terms of the topic and collects the verses related to the topic (the waiting period) and outlines headings for these verses, then the study interprets them in a relation to each heading thematically. Finally, the study revealed some recommendations & findings. Among these findings; 1- the linguistic meaning of "the waiting period" is counting. The terminological definition of "iddah" is the period during which woman must observe to make sure that she isn't pregnant after getting divorced or for mourning for the death of her husband. 2- The study shows the significant importance of observing "iddah" in the Islamic Jurisprudence regarding the various aspects related to it. There are many provisions related to woman in the waiting period such as prohibiting proposing or getting married to the woman during this period, or proving a child's parentage; issues concerning staying at the husband's house and receiving a living, and establishing the right of inheritance, making sure that she isn't pregnant; giving a chance for reconciliation- that's why it's a long period of time for divorce- in addition to provisions of making up days of fasting that were broken before and getting prepared for doing anything. The study concluded through recommending doing a study of the interpretation topics addressed in some terms of the Holy Qur'an.




How to Cite

الهديه س. (2024). الهدايات في لفظ العدة في القرآن الكريم، دراسة موضوعية. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Arts and Humanities, 32(2). Retrieved from https://journals.kau.edu.sa/index.php/ART/article/view/1995


