Legal Restrictions in the Saudi Labor Law and Their Impact on Contractual Freedom


  • عبدالرحمن الخلف a:1:{s:5:"ar_IQ";s:23:"جامعة القصيم";}


The law, Saudi, Labor Law, rights, Freedom of contract


There is no doubt about the importance of freedom of contract in the workplace. It is a fundamental principle in contractual relationships, and Islamic law also recognizes the right of individuals to choose their profession and contract with whomever they wish. The Saudi system further emphasizes this principle.

While most modern laws recognize the right of individuals to freely choose their work and contract with the employer they wish to work for, they also impose restrictions to regulate the freedom of contract between employer and employee. The Saudi system addresses these restrictions in order to protect the public interest and the citizen's right to work, or to protect the rights of specific categories of workers who may be exploited by employers.

This research will examine these restrictions in two main sections. The first section will deal with restrictions arising from humanitarian and social considerations, while the second section will address restrictions related to the general national interest. The research will analyze these restrictions and their impact on freedom of contract in the workplace.

Key words: The law, Saudi , Labor Law, rights, Freedom of contract.



How to Cite

الخلف ع. (2024). Legal Restrictions in the Saudi Labor Law and Their Impact on Contractual Freedom. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Arts and Humanities, 32(2). Retrieved from



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