تصورات متعلمي العربية لغة ثانية لبيئة التقييم الصفي: دراسة وصفية

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فهد العليان


Arabic as a Second Language Learners' Perceptions of Classroom Assessment Environment: A descriptive Study



This study aims to identify Arabic as a second language learners' perceptions of assessment environment. Specifically, the study attempted to assess the learners' perceptions of their teachers' practices and the extent to which they think those practices are learning-oriented assessment, or performance-oriented. In addition, the study tried to investigate if there are any differences in those perceptions based on the students' language proficiency level. A questionnaire was employed to collect and analyze data quantitatively. The researcher surveyed 157 male participants learning Arabic at two different institutions in Saudi Arabia, and with different language proficiency level. The results pointed out that the assessment practices in these institutions are learning-oriented. However, significant percentage of the participants reported some practices to be performance-oriented. It also found some differences among participants perceptions based on the students' language proficiency level. The study concluded with some implications and recommendations for specialists, teachers, and those who are responsible of curriculum design and assessment tools in Arabic language institutions.


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How to Cite
العليان ف. (2024). تصورات متعلمي العربية لغة ثانية لبيئة التقييم الصفي: دراسة وصفية. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Arts and Humanities, 32(1). Retrieved from https://journals.kau.edu.sa/index.php/ART/article/view/2151