شرح كتاب سيبويه المسمَّى تنقيح الألباب في شرح غوامض الكتاب لابن خروف الإشبيلي (المتوفى سنة 609ه): من باب ما يلزمُهُ بدلُ التَّاء إلى باب ما شَذَّ مِن المُعْتَلِّ.

شرح كتاب سيبويه المسمَّى تنقيح الألباب في شرح غوامض الكتاب لابن خروف الإشبيلي (المتوفى سنة 609ه): من باب ما يلزمُهُ بدلُ التَّاء إلى باب ما شَذَّ مِن المُعْتَلِّ.


  • Saleh Alharithi


Sibawayh's book commentary - Ibn Kharuf - Tanqih Al'albab Fi Sharh Ghawamid Alkitab


I authenticated this section of the commentary on the book of Sibawayh by Ibn Kharuf al-Ishbili, following the methodology outlined in the introduction, relying on two top-valued manuscript copies, namely: a copy from Ibn Yusuf Mosque Library in Marrakech, Morocco, and a copy from the Busati Manuscripts Library in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah.

The research consists of a brief introduction to introduce Ibn Kharuf, and describe the handwritten copy of the book, including examples from it. Then, the authenticated text from the section on what necessitates changing the letter "taa" to the section on what is considered odd from weak verbs.

Ibn Kharuf is considered one of the most prominent Andalusian grammarians in the sixth and seventh centuries After Hijra, and his commentary is considered among the best and most famous explanations of Sibawayh's book and is characterized by its excellence. It is one of the finest works of Andalusian scholars in this genre, as mentioned by his student al-Lawraqi. It has become evident in this section of the commentary that Ibn Kharuf adhered to the arrangement of the chapters of Sibawayh and showed interest in the ambiguous passages of Sibawayh's texts, its peculiarities, and its obscurities, with special attention to the integrity and authentication of Sibawayh's texts.



How to Cite

Alharithi, S. (2024). شرح كتاب سيبويه المسمَّى تنقيح الألباب في شرح غوامض الكتاب لابن خروف الإشبيلي (المتوفى سنة 609ه): من باب ما يلزمُهُ بدلُ التَّاء إلى باب ما شَذَّ مِن المُعْتَلِّ.: شرح كتاب سيبويه المسمَّى تنقيح الألباب في شرح غوامض الكتاب لابن خروف الإشبيلي (المتوفى سنة 609ه): من باب ما يلزمُهُ بدلُ التَّاء إلى باب ما شَذَّ مِن المُعْتَلِّ. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Arts and Humanities, 32(2). Retrieved from https://journals.kau.edu.sa/index.php/ART/article/view/2195



العلوم الشرعية